Our Team

Our Business

Managed Wealth Advantage, LLC focuses on financial questions, answers and solutions for our clients at every aspect and stage of their lives.

This includes the goals our clients have set for themselves, the issues they may have and the struggles that may keep them up at night.

Our Team


David Polatis

President & Founder

David Polatis is a principle and certified estate planner, as well as a registered investment advisor representative with experience advising seniors, retirees and pre-retirees in the area of investments, income and legacy planning.

His expertise focuses in the area of wealth preservation and income maximization in retirement. He also specializes in developing financial and estate plans that chronicle the effects of inflation, taxation, market risk, government entitlements and healthcare needs. Because he believes education is the key to understanding the risks and opportunities associated with retirement and is essential to financial success, he sponsors a number of community educational seminars each year on a variety of financial planning and estate subjects. David wants to help retirees understand what effect distributions from their tax-qualified retirement plans will have on their social security, overall income, and taxation. Additionally, they must recognize the role Medicare, Medicaid, veteran benefits and other government entitlements can have on retirement.

David attended Brigham Young University-Hawaii in 1981. He then transferred to Utah State University in January of 1983 as a political science major. In the fall of 1984, he enrolled in the accounting program at the University of California at Los Angeles. He completed the certification for estate planning at Florida State University in December of 2003 as part of Florida State University’s financial planning program. David expanded his practice by opening offices in Tallahassee, Fla. in 1999 and Valdosta, Ga. in 2000. In May of 2009, he got credentialed as a certified estate planner and became a member of the National Institute of Certified Estate Planners.

David and his wife Shauna married in 1988 in Southern California. He began his insurance planning career in 1989 as a life and health agent in California. In 1990 they made St. George, Utah their home. They have four sons, and two daughters-in-law with two grandchildren on the way. He enjoys spending his free time with his family exploring the outdoors in Jeeps and ATV’s, bow hunting, long rifle target and defensive hand gun training. Several times a week, you may see him cruising on his motorcycle to the office, or on a winding road through one of the state or national parks of the Southwest.


Travis Polatis, Client Relations Manager


Loren Tout, Executive Assistant